How To Prevent Bed Bugs At Hotel

At least bed bugs are doing something sensible. Bed bugs very popular in some hotels. Jokes apart, these hotels have already started a drive against bed bugs. The bed bug breakout leads to so many questions like how to prevent bed bugs at hotels.

Hotels which made the headlines are

  • Waldorf-Astoria–  Nobody would have ever believed that this hotel could ever become infested with bed bugs. Bed bugs plagued the Waldorf-Astoria recently, in Jan 2011.
  • Popular Fame Residence Kemer Hotel in Turkey was recently in the news due to bed bug infestation.
  • People are terrified to spend their vacation in the Hotel Park Lane of New York due to bed bug infestation.
how to prevent bed bugs at hotels
These hotels were once well known for their service but lost their reputations due to these pesky pests.

Drive against bed bugs infestation in hotels

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced grants worth $550,000 to control bed bug infestation. Low-income neighborhoods are the primary recipients of the five grants because these areas have limited resources to address the problem.
how to prevent bed bugs at hotels 
This grant by the US Environmental Protection agency is under the management of Maryland, New Jersey, Missouri, Texas and Michigan state governments.
$142 is for the Maryland Department of Health and Hygiene to cover the hotels, residences and retail outlets which are bed bug infested. The government also has plans for educational outreach programs. This is managed and coordinated by hotel managers, health care workers and local pest product companies.
Not only this, but the government also provided $99,688 to Rutgers University of New Jersey for an educational campaign on bed bug infestation. This educational campaign is especially for the working class.

What can you do in hotels to avoid bed bugs?

  • First of all inform the hotel manager that the room provided to you is bed bug infested.
  • Make use of bed bug travel products, manufactured specifically for this purpose. Some of these are: bed bug proof luggage liner, anti-bed bug travel pillow encasement, and many more.
  • Do some homework regarding the hotel which you have booked for vacation beforehand. Read reviews regarding that hotel.
  • Inspect the hotel room as soon as you enter. Inspect every possible area.
  • Prevent bed bugs while you are on your vacation.

Some effective ways to get rid of bed bugs in hotels.

How do you prevent bed bugs at hotels? These measures have to be followed by hotel’s staff if they want their hotel to be free of bed bugs.
how to prevent bed bugs at hotels 
  • Call professional exterminators to get rid of bed bug infestation from your hotel. They make use of insecticides, pesticides, high temperature (steam), low temperature (freezing), fumigation, bleaching, and many more. These methods eradicate the bed bugs for long time.
  • Special treatment must be provided to the mattress and cushions.
  • Crevices and cracks in the wall are most likely to be omitted from treatment. These are the places where bed bugs can hide.
  • Replace all the infested bedding with the new one and wash the infested ones in warm water. Keep the infested bedding in a plastic bag so that bedbugs can not move from there to other places. This high temperature is very effective in removing bed bugs.
  • Put those items which cannot be laundered in tumble dryer for 10 minutes.
  • If any item can not be disinfested even by the tumble dryer discard them by placing them in a plastic bag. Put them in the trash outside your hotel so that they can not infest other parts of the hotel.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove eggs and larvae of bed bugs. These are not clearly visible to the naked eye so it is easiest to remove them with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Place the furniture in direct sunlight. It is difficult for bed bugs to survive in high temperatures.
How do you prevent bed bugs at hotels? There is a hidden reason for asking this question. Hotels are the main cause of bed bug infestation. These are one of those few places where people from all over the world come and transport bed bugs, either in their luggage or on their clothes. Prevent them right there to save yourself from further problems.

1 comment:

  1. When You enter the hotel room, check bed and the walls. It You see White eggs or dark dots, ale for another room. It's not Easy to destroy Bed bugs. You can always buy some mosquito and Bug elements. The best option is to perform The Professional disinsection against The Bed bugs
