If you are one of the unlucky hosts of these unwelcomed guests, you need to know how to kill bed bugs with heat. Heat makes these pests pop like popcorn. It is one of the most effective and greenest ways to kill bed bugs. Several surefire methods exist to get rid of these pesky pests. Heat remediation is expensive but very effective. Bed bugs can easily develop resistance against pesticides, such as DDT but this is not possible against heat treatment.

Heat treatment to get rid of bed bugs
Before leaping into the treatments, let us take a look at what makes bed bugs so active:
- Attractants which are yet to be discovered.
- Some aggregation pheromones. Pheromones are those chemicals which are secreted by other bed bugs. So this is basically a communication mechanism in all the insects.
- Carbon dioxide and heat are the most likely attraction to hosts. This heat means 68 degree Fahrenheit to 80 degree Fahrenheit.
- Hunger:Of course, it can make any living being actively seek food for survival.
The above points show that heat is one of the factors that makes bed bugs active but, according to biological sciences, anything taken in excess can prove fatal for any living creature on this earth. The same goes for the effect of heat on bed bugs. Heat above 113 degree Fahrenheit is fatal for Bed bugs.
How to kill bed bugs with heat
- Temperature and time play important roles in eliminating bed bugs.
- There are different time requirement to kill bed bug at different stages.
- Adults and Nymphs take 15 minutes at a temperature greater than 113 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Eggs take 60 minutes to die at the same temperature.
- You can also use heat from the sun to kill them, or at least get rid of them.
- The Smartest trick- Treat your bed sheet with a steam iron to get rid of bed bugs. Use a steam iron for mattresses too.
- Keep monitoring with a thermometer and stay above a temperature of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Raising room temperature above normal and maintaining it for several hours also eradicate bed bug infestation completely.
- Treat linens/clothing in a tumble dryer at a temperature of at least 120 degrees celsius for 20 minutes. Then wash again and dry on high heat. This is effective in killing both eggs and adult bugs. The use of steam is highly recommended.

The use of steam to get rid of an infestation in furniture

The use of steam to get rid of bed bugs on floor

The use of steam on a mattress

The use of steam on wooden racks
- You can also get rid of a bed bug infestation by using the ThermaPureHeat solution. It is absolutely non-toxic and non-chemical. It can easily get to bed bugs in wall cavities, mattress and other locations where it is difficult for chemicals to reach. It leaves no place for bed bugs to hide. This can kill eggs too.
If one knows how to kill bed bugs with a heat treatment such as ThermaPureHeat, most bed bug infested areas can be cleaned up. If not, an exterminator can called in. In fact, it is preferable to call an exterminator in cases of extreme infestation.

ThermaPureheat Solution
Some facts regarding ThermaPure Heat
- It requires more than 3 treatments to kill 68% of all bed bugs infestation.
- It requires 2 treatments to kill 26% of all the bed bug infestation.
- It requires just one treatment to kill 6% of all the bed bug infestation.
- It holds the patent on the use of heat and filtration technology to annihilate bed bugs.
- It is effective to thermal death point of every living being.
It is often difficult to trace bed bugs , as they infest cracks and crevices in furniture. Thermal treatment kinetics of bed bugs was examined by Department of entomology. This study has been very helpful in developing a treatment method to annihilate bed bugs.
The study shows that bed bugs are not as resistant to heat as other insects.
Another conclusion that came out of this research in relation to the effectiveness of heat on bed bugs, is that the circulation and containment of heat around the infested materials were crucial factors.
Another conclusion that came out of this research in relation to the effectiveness of heat on bed bugs, is that the circulation and containment of heat around the infested materials were crucial factors.
It has also been shown that the containment of heat was greatly affected by the material of the floor in room. Heat treatment of your room not only adversely affects bed bugs but also sanitizes your room, and solves the problem of unwanted microbes, mosquitoes and other insects residing in your place.
How is heat so effective to get rid of bed bugs?The reason is that Bed bugs become temporary immobilized completely knocked out of bed bugs.
Many of the chemical treatments are nasty and most of the time, ineffective. At this point the greener and far more effective choice left to us is heat. If you are lacking awareness regarding how to kill bed bugs with heat, learn now and live a happier and healthier life.