Treatment Prep

Extermination Preparation
  1. Prior to extermination, remove all bedding from mattresses, gather all linens, clothing, etc. from living space. This includes any textile materials that are machine washable - pillows, mattress covers, anything - and those that must be dry cleaned. Even fabric that is in storage should be collected. Wash bedding and any clothing/fabrics that may have come in contact with bedbugs in HOT water, and dry in the dryer if possible. Wash all other linens and fabrics as directed.
  2. After washing, place items in storage bins or bags, or garbage bags. Seal as much as possible to prevent bugs from entering and hiding in the clean fabrics.
  3. Empty closets in rooms where bugs have been found, or closets in which fabrics, linens, towels, etc. have been stored. The Bed bug King exterminator will need access into these spaces.
  4. Unplug electronic devices in rooms being exterminated. This will make the area more accessible to the bed bug king technicians. Vacuum floors, carpets, nooks and crannies. Steam clean, if possible, floors, rugs (if not machine washable), couch cushions, etc.
  5. Move objects away from perimeter of rooms. For example, if your sofa or bed is positioned against a wall, pull it away from the wall. The exterminator will need access to the perimeter of the rooms where bugs have been found, (probably bed rooms, living room, den/study). Vacuum along the perimeter of the room.
  6. Empty wooden bookshelves, desks, dressers, nightstands etc., and remove drawers if possible. Bedbugs can and will seek refuge between the boards of wooden furniture. This may include coffee tables, television stands, bed frames, photo frames, and box springs.
  7. Make sure to leave the place for a space of 2 to 3 hours after the treatment is completed.
  8. Wait for all mattresses, sofas, etc. to dry before sitting or laying on them. The chemicals used by the bed bug king to exterminate the premises will rarely irritate your skin, they have a very small odor.
Tips & Warnings
  • Following extermination, seal your mattress, box spring, and pillows in airtight protective 'bags', often carried by mattress sellers. Use mattress vinyl/zippered cases only.
  • Be prepared for follow-up exterminations. Bedbug king will always give you a second visit in between 15 to 20 days after the first treatment. The bed bugs are persistent, and they don't care how much time and money you spend trying to get rid of them. We do care.
  • Many bedbug infestations are the result of travel - people pick up bugs in hotel and motel rooms and transport them home in their luggage. Visually inspect mattresses before sleeping on them and your luggage before settling in at home after a trip.
  • Suffering a bedbug infestation does not mean you keep an untidy home, or that you live in unfit conditions. They are extremely common and indiscriminate - presence of bedbugs does not speak to your personal hygiene habits or socioeconomic status. Remember to call the bed bug king if you get re-infested.
  • Be sure to follow exterminator's instructions. Success depends on you and your willingness to cooperate and follow directions, even if it means to get rid of your furniture. You cannot be too thorough. Yes, it is annoying and time consuming to prepare, but it is best to do it right the first time and avoid repeating the process should the extermination fail because the space was not prepared!